- Three Key Words of Tablets' Living or Death in 20152015-01-10
In the past year 2014, tablets has faced with development crises. Even iPad, the famous authoritative enterprise in tablet industry, has reduced its shipments. Some people even say that the tablet industry is dying. There are many people co...
- Will the Intel-Rockchip partnership transform market?2014-12-12
Last month, the International Data Corporation (IDC) released a new report in which it forecast that worldwide tablet growth would slow down to 7.2 percent, down from an astronomical 52.3 percent increase from the previous year. This is in...
- Rockchip Debuts Intel Jointly-Developed Game-Changing 3G Processor for Android Devices 2014-11-17
Rockchip Debuts Intel Jointly-Developed Game-Changing 3G Processor for Android Devices LOS ANGELES Nov. 17, 2014 Rockchip Electronics today announced the North American availability of its system-on-a-chip (SoC) processor with 3G communicat...
- Rockchip Publishes POP-Star Searching Entertainment Engine2014-10-27
Rockchip has published the technology of POP-Star Searching Entertainment Engine at Hong Kong Electronics Fair, namely the intelligent search function called the Entertainment Big Data. This is the only consumer chip has the capability of b...
- 4K H.265 Hardware Decoding—the Unique Skill of RK3288 Box2014-10-15
Boxes adopt RK3288 platform support not only 4K H.265 hardware decoding but also support the output ability of 60 frames per second. Pixel of 4K video is 4x of the 2K video. Therefore, image quality has greatly been improved, and a visual e...
- Rockchip and Analogix Team Up on SlimPort® Mobile Development Platforms2013-12-18
New Smart Phone and Tablet Reference Designs Speed Time to Market of Mobile Devices taking the Small Screen to the Big Screen...